War Movies (well not entirely all war movies)
Most of what I love to watch falls under the category of
dusty old war movies. I like the old black n white variety. At one time you
could expect to see acting, acting and acting in a war movie. Now though, you
forced to endure pointless foul language (which is often not even accurate for the time
Special effects which are only special in how they insult you. Anyone that knows what
real military munitions look like, knows they do NOT look like the ones used in
Hollywood. And unnecessary sex (hey
its a war movie damn it). If I want sex, I'll watch a porno so I get the whole
Its not surprising then,
that my collection doesn’t have much of anything made in the last 30 years.
My 3 most loved movies have
to be A Bridge Too Far, The Longest Day, and surprisingly enough because it's a
recent film, the more recent Saving Private Ryan. Of course there are a great many other
films in my collection, but you can only have so many favourites. In some cases,
some films are not quite war movies. Lawrence of Arabia is a great film, so
isn’t Doctor Zhivago and the Sound Of Music They were based on periods of time
that saw military upheaval though.. I was quite impressed with
Gladiator and I really love films of this era in general. Films seem to improve
when the director isn’t able to include 20th century technology.
I really love documentaries.
Actually I have more military documentaries than movies. Some are quite good,
some are horrendous examples of wartime propaganda (the film is worth viewing
from a visual reference perspective,
but the narration can be quite excruciating to listen to). I don’t have to
much in the way of non military documentaries, its just not as easy to find good
stuff (stuff worth going the effort to collect that is). I don’t go for the
quasi science or pseudo science garbage. Just because a famous
personality hosts a program doesn’t make the material of any value
I would like to ramble about
science fiction, but I am much to fussy. I prefer films like 2001, but there
just aren’t enough films of this calibre to mention. When I refer to science
fiction its films like that which I am talking about. Star
Wars as good as it may be, is an action film in my opinion. Dune might have been
a great movie but the director dropped the ball and blew it. All to often good
science fiction just doesn't go from the printed page to the film screen intact.
And of course I like
watching the Disney cartoon feature films. Good thing too. If you have children
you better be prepared to watch them over and over and over and over (you get
the message). The newer ones have better music but that is no big shock. The
older films are still ever bit as fun to watch though. My sons collection is
rapidly overwhelming my ability to store them.
