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The Science I Love
I have one specific beef where the term “science” is concerned, its
in the way the word is used. If it deals in facts, cold hard facts, fine apply
the term science to it. If it cant be put in a lab and scrutinized, it
isn’t a science. Economics isn’t a science, nor is politics, social behaviour or
even the military studies I love.
They are all just learned and practiced "opinions". Its
primarily the reason why I don’t normally get very excited by “diplomas”
in sciences that are more opinion than real factual reality.
Sure its easy for me to say
it, but I have several decades observing those same “sciences” in action. If
Political science or Economic science had any factual basis, well then they
would work now wouldn’t they. I am an expert in the field of Military science
and I know it is more wisdom than fact. And I have been fairly close to the
world of Psychology, and I KNOW it isn’t a science
The sciences I love are
primarily the Natural Sciences and the study of Space. It is a shame that people
spend all there efforts wondering about job security and the pursuit of material
wealth while the planet dies around them. If the planet goes folks, your job
won’t be all that secure anymore. You cant take your money with you, but you
can at least make the world a better place to enjoy for your offspring.
People often claim that the study of space is a waste
of money. If I told you tomorrow, conclusively, that we are not about to find
another habitable planet on which we can live, how would you feel? If we found
this from the study of the heavens, it would be worth the money spent.
Additionally if I told you tomorrow we had found life on another planet, that
DEFINITELY would be important. We learn
a great deal about ourselves from the study of outer space. Or at least some of
us do. It is clear, that a great majority of the mass of humanity, will be quite
shocked when they begin to reap the rewards of our civilizations exploitative
Recycling, what a dumb
placebo. We need to adjust our way of thinking. We should ensure that what we
make doesn’t need to be replaced in the first place. Yeah I know jobs will
be lost. So what. Just where is the evidence that mindless human expansion has
any real worth. Its no wonder I have such a dim view of “economic science”.
Jobs are just what they are, nothing more. It may be your “right” to breed
senselessly, but we will all have to deal with it soon enough. The planet is
only so big, its time we accepted that reality.
We make a big fuss over our
technology as if we truly our the masters of creation. Last time I checked
mother nature was just waking up. When next that hurricane passes through, just
remember how little our technology did to stop it coming. Telling us a hurricane
is “coming” is of no real use to preventing it. By mindlessly altering our
environment with our wonderful little toys, we are likely ensuring that our stay
on this one and only livable place in the known cosmos decides to kill us off
sooner than later. It takes only a small amount of heat globally to starve us
back into the middle ages or beyond. Our technology will not reverse the onset
of desertification once it begins, regardless of how “neat” it is. It takes
very little excess rainfall to ruin crops as well. A funny kind of situation eh,
to much water or to little does the same thing.
I personally get tired of
the refrain “there is no conclusive proof yet of Global Warming”. Well
Sherlock once there IS conclusive “proof” it will be to late to fix it. I
would much rather be miserable about funds employed to protect me, than watch
civilization as we know it end (believe me it can happen). Currently the only
ones telling you “not to worry” are the ones making money off of saying just
that. That’s like having a known felon advise you on home security.
When you consider all the
very real things happening around the world, it is amazing that anyone is buying
into the “don’t worry” line of argument. We are wiping out the planet like
a dedicated serial killer.
And of course along with all I have read, by persons a
great deal smarter than the bulk of us, are the revelations of all that we had assumed
to be fact, and are most definitely not the case. Two men that I enjoy reading
are David Suzuki and the late Carl Sagan. I would be thrilled to know just 10%
of what they know.
It should be your stated
objective to get a copy of Demon Haunted World and Billions and Billions (yes I
know that's the 3rd time I have plugged them), both
by Carl Sagan. Both books have such incredible insight into the REAL world (and
not the world we seem to think really is there). It
is quite amazing how we can be so capable as a race and yet still so completely,
so utterly stupid. The things we are prepared to believe in as “fact”, it
just boggles the imagination. His two books do a lot of useful damage to the
utter nonsense that is our way of thinking. Dogma, our world will die from
If you believe in alien
visitations, astrology, psychic powers, faith healing, ghosts, and mythology
exactly as
commonly presented to you through the media… Well you might as well believe in
the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, that the check is in the mail,
that the first time doesn’t hurt, that politicians have your interests in
mind, that size doesn’t count, because there is as much fact in all this, as
there is in all of the pseudo science I mentioned above.
Remember, at one time the
world was flat. Everyone knew it was true. Alas everyone says something is a
fact and it magically becomes true. Reality just doesn’t work that way. Today
people think if it's printed down it must be real.
We have been on this planet as a species an incredibly long
time (at least in our opinions). From the perspective of an individual that will live and die
within 100 years, thousands might seem like a long time. The planet has been around a great
deal longer time though. Not
hundreds, nor thousands, nor millions even. We see our planet as being more than
4.5 billion years old if the evidence is to be believed. Now consider the vast
magnitude of space. The closest star is not hundreds or thousands of miles, not
millions of miles or billions of miles away. We are talking distances measured
with the speed of light here, trillions of miles.
And I refer to the nearest star only. It would sure be nice
if the nearest star would do. But why assume anyone has ever come from that one.
The nearest star with a life form capable of even sentient behaviour could be
millions of light years away. Now then move along. We as a sentient species have
been on this rock the puniest fraction of the planets existence at best. So now
we need a space faring species that would have had to start their journey a
great deal of time ago to even reach us. And they would have had to have timed
it so they got here in the briefest of spans of time to see us while we are
here. It becomes evident to anyone with two useful brain cells, that the chances
of alien visitation at any time in our species past suck greatly. You have a
better chance of getting lucky with a horny moose.
Now math can easily demonstrate the stupidity of alien
visitation (hell if I can understand it why can't everyone else). But to debunk astrology, psychic powers, and faith healing all you
have to do is make them perform in a decent laboratory under the watchful eyes
of a skilled scientist. About the only reality with regards to psychics, is its
a good way to earn a living without really being forced to work. Fools and their
money are soon parted.
I have read a wonderful book by the author Terry Goodkind.
The opening novel says it best, “people are stupid” it's known as Wizards
First Rule. The author has a great insight into the flaws of humanity obviously.
His second rule is equally profound “even good can do harm”. Alas there are
a lot of people out there professing to do good, and all they are doing is
making themselves feel good. This is mainly due to the first rule. I can kill
you with kindness fairly easily. People need to ask more
questions. People need to start to stop believing what they are told on faith
Soon our technology will achieve a capacity to cause harm way
out of proportion than anything previously in our past. If we don’t start to
wake up soon, we might not get to enjoy that shiny future everyone is always
talking about. Just because we can do a thing doesn’t mean it will be always
in our best interests. Until we as a species gain sufficient maturity, we, with
our technology, will be nothing better than children playing with loaded guns.
