Anime My Way
The galleries might take a couple of minutes to load up. I hope they are
worth it to you. I have included my favourite images from anime I like.
Anyway, assuming you do NOT know what anime is, well
its merely a form of animation unique to Japan. It can be found increasingly
elsewhere, but it is almost entirely from there originally. Some will like anime
some won’t. Its by no means the mindless humour of North American cartoons
though. Some North American cartoons are quite dreadful. I think Beavis and
Butthead is simply the worst drivel imaginable. And I find it unfortunate that
society thinks Homer is someone to admire. Still some will have no trouble
slamming the value of anime. It all comes down to a matter of taste. Some like
gross, poorly drawn, vulgar, offensive cartoons like Beavis and Butthead, some
want something that is a bit more.
Anime is guilty in that all to often
it possesses quite graphically violent scenes. of course no one is complaining
about the violence in ordinary film. So the double standard is entirely
hypocritical. The ladies of anime can often make
Barbie look quite plain. A useful thing to remember though, is a great many of
anime creators are women. So any complaints of it being to strongly sexist, or
mindlessly pandering to silly males, have
to contend with the fact that it was a woman that drew them that way. Rumiko
Takahashi, is in fact considered a national treasure.
There is a dark side to
anime unfortunately. Nothing new. There will always be people willing to exploit
something that is vulnerable to exploitation. It takes very little effort to
find out that some anime can be intensely adult in nature. That doesn’t in any
way condemn the anime that was made properly. Then again I have seen Disney
characters doing some really impressive things as well. So slamming anime on the
basis of some adult material online is a pointless argument at best.
Currently I am a big fan of
a number of series (and the list is growing in leaps and bounds). And it's because anime is done in the format of an on going
serial in almost all cases, that I like it. One show follows into the next. The plots are not always
serious (some can be quite zany), but there IS a storyline in most series. And
just as with soap operas, they are fun to watch develop.
Some series were successful enough to run several years. It is an arrogant
assumption that only North American cartoon series can have long life spans.
Several anime series have produced several hundred episodes in some cases.
The original series that got
me hooked was the Ranma ½ series. I am still attempting to see the whole of it. Thus far I have had the pleasure of
acquiring almost all of it. It's a goofy sort of martial arts romantic comedy. Ranma has a curse that forces him to
transform into a pretty young girl type of himself when he gets splashed with cold water.
Fortunately hot water makes him a young boy again. This is predictably something
that produces a great many laughs. Its a lot more complicated than that of
course. And he isn't the only cursed person in the cast (although the rest seem
to have animal forms instead).
Then there are my other
favourite shows. Urusei Yatsura (which has many popular translations).
Sailormoon, which is lightweight fun. Tenchi Muyo, which has given us the phrase
in the anime community of Tenchi Syndrome due to his having every available
female in the show in love with him (a common theme in anime it seems). Those
Who Hunt Elves which is uniquely funny, El Hazard a wonderful adventure, Neon
Genesis Evangelion which goes from comedic to downright surrealistic, Martian
Successor Nadesico, which is considered some of the funniest anime ever, Photon,
so funny it hurts from laughing to watch it, Bubblegum Crisis the only serious
anime I have ever seen that I truly loved, AllPurpose Cultural Catgirl Nuku Nuku
(yeah I know an odd sounding name, a cats brain in a cute android body
basically). There are more, of course there is more. I have several friends that
have an entirely immense collections of anime (they seem to have several more
every second weekend we get together to watch it at my place.
The best feature anime I
ever watched was Ghost In The Shell. A movie as opposed to a series.
So what do you get when you
watch anime. Well the art work is unique. Everyone has really odd hair. It is
either odd colours, impossible styles or simply oh to perfect hairdos (I really
love the hair myself). The
motion is what is neat. There is a much higher degree of motion realism in most
anime. The violence, well it is violent. People can actually get killed in
anime. The humour is sometimes a bit adult in nature. But occasionally that's a
cultural perspective too. The girls are certainly well developed (more so than
Barbie is sometimes). The guys all make the average body builder look puny. It's
not impossible to actually see people take off their clothes in anime. But then
again, they never show any detail worth talking about (genitalia is not an
option in Japan). So if the nudity is a problem, then you
likely have trouble with nude Barbie dolls as well. I have yet to EVER see ANY
personage in ANY anime series that I have watched EVER engage in ANY sexual
activity. I am of course excluding adult films. Getting all worked up over it is therefore stupid.
As it goes, I have to put up
with a damn sight more outrageous actual sex in my real world movies.
If Bugs Bunny is getting
boring then you need to try anime.
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